Available Search Status

A brief overview of available Parcel Status

The Search for Available Sets is primarily used to perform searches based on a number of filters available. One of them is a parcel status that is widely used throughout the search. Here is a list of the most commonly used Parcel Statuses.

ALLAll Parcels from Inbox & Filed.
ACTIVEParcels from Inbox Only.
FILEDParcels from Filed Only.
AMENDMENT_CANCELLEDExported or Importer Raised RFA(Recut or Split) and has an option to Cancel RFA then we have a Copy of AMENDMENT_CANCELLED at FILED.
AMENDMENT_ISSUEDExported or Importer Raised RFA(Recut or Split) and Carrier Accept RFA, The Importer or Exporter Who raised RFA, then we have Copy of AMENDMENT_ISSUED at FILED.
AMENDMENT_REJECTEDExported or Importer Raised RFA(Recut or Split) and Carrier REJECT RFA, The Importer or Exporter Who raised RFA , then we have Copy of AMENDMENT_REJECTED at FILED.
AMENDMENT_REQUESTEDExported or Importer Raised RFA(Recut or Split), The Importer or Exporter Who raised RFA, then we have Parcel in a state of AMENDMENT_REQUESTED in INBOX for who raised RFA & Carrier.
CONVERT_SENTTitle Holder sent a request to the Issuer(s) to convert the selected eDoc(s) to paper.
CONVERTEDConverted the selected eDocs to Paper .eDoc(s) will be identified as 'Converted to Paper'.
CORRECTING_DOCUMENTExporter Bank who has Title has Rejected one or more of Documents (Not BL) to Exporter by Partial Return; then Exporter Performed Accept the Rejection to correct the documents, then Status is CORRECTING_DOCUMENT in Inbox for Exporter.
DOCUMENTS_REJECTEDExporter Bank who has Title has Rejected one or more of Documents (Not BL)to Exporter by Partial Return; then Exporter Bank has Status DOCUMENTS_REJECTED in Inbox.
DOCUMENTS_RETURNEDExporter Bank who has Title has Rejected one or more of Documents (Not BL) to Exporter by Partial Return; then Exporter has Status DOCUMENTS_RETURNED in Inbox.
ENDORSEMENT_DRAFTEDExporter Drafts Presentation then the Parcel in a state of ENDORSEMENT_DRAFTED in INBOX.
ENDORSEMENT_SIGNEDExporter Signed Drafts Presentation then the Parcel in a state of ENDORSEMENT_SIGNED in INBOX.
ENDORSEMENT_SENTExporter Sends the Signed Presentation then we have the Parcel in a state of ENDORSEMENT_SENT in FILED.
ENDORSEMENT_RETURNEDWhen Banks Perform Full Return of Parcel to Exporter, Exporter status becomes ENDORSEMENT_RETURNED in INBOX & Bank status is ENDORSEMENT_RETURNED at FILED.
PRODUCEDTitle Holder Produces/Surrenders BL then has Status PRODUCED in FILED.
TITLE_HELDA party that has TITLE.
VOIDEDExporter or Importer Requested to VOID BL for Carrier & Carrier Accepted, then Exporter or Importer has Status VOIDED in FILED.
VOID_REQUESTEDExporter or Importer Requested to VOID BL for Carrier in INBOX.