About Partner API

Partner Exchange API plays a vital role in retrieving customer and partners data to perform specific actions. There are endpoints to retrieve specific data based on the provided conditions and filters to utilize the output for Action related endpoints.

Several Action endpoints users can use to Action over a transaction (or more specifically, the eBoL/eWW/etc. in a set of documents). Due to the value of these documents (eBoLs, etc.), and to avoid cross-platform liabilities, essDOCS employs a Verified by CargoDocs step, which requires the user to confirm any step before it is actioned.

Get Partner Customer IdsGETThis endpoint allows a Partner to collect the Customer IDs which they have permission to access in CargoDocs Exchange.
Get Partner Employee IdsGETThis endpoint allows the Partner to collect the Employee IDs for parties to action a set of electronic documents and for auditing purposes.
Get Available Counterparty IdsGETThis endpoint allows a Partner company to identify which counterparty company or bank a company holding title of an eSet in CargoDocs, can transfer that title document along with supporting documents.
Search for Available SetsPOSTThis API allows Partner customers to find specific transactions or search for transactions for a customer.
Get Single PDFGETThis endpoint allows a Partner customer to download a copy of a single document within the eSet.
Set ActionPOSTThis endpoint allows the Partner customer to transfer an eSet, either by returning it to the previous party, transferring it to a counterparty, or presenting it to a bank. The endpoint also allows the Partner customer to surrender the document back to the issuer.
Upload DocumentPOSTThis endpoint allows a partner to push a new PDF based encoded document against any existing shipment. Partner needs to provide customerID and employeeId against which the document is being pushed.